First post : why blogging ?

Hey there, welcome to this humble blog about my journey into miniature painting (and others things).

I created this blog for two main reasons :

  • trying to fight my tendency to procrastinate
  • share with people all sorts of things about miniature painting, wargames in general, sculpting…

I’m a French guy (my name IRL is Jonathan) in his late 30s. I discovered the world of wargames 20 years ago. I played a bit of Warhammer Battle (I played dwarves) and Warhammer 40k (Space Marines). But as a high schooler, I didn’t have enough money to continue the adventure. Combining with other things (real life stuff etc…), I completely forgot about miniature games for almost 20 years.

And here comes the beginning of 2019 and my discovery of the miniature painting niche on Twitch. I had no idea people would stream (and people watch) that type of content. I got interested. And after watching for a while, I decided to give it a go.

As of today, I took interest in several wargames : Warhammer of course (Age of Sigmar), Blood Bowl, Infinity, Guildball, Wild West Exodus…

On this blog, you’ll find content centered on that kind of wargame. It will mostly be focused on Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Blood Bowl. My first “real” post will be on Age of Sigmar. But, on the long run, I want to propose some variety on the content. I want to talk about miniature painting, fluff, strategy, sculpting, game reports… We’ll see where this blog is going.

I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.

NB : The look of the blog will change. I need to figure out all the possibilities of WordPress.

NB bis : One of the objective of this blog for me is to write in English. Since this is not my first language, I’m not used to write in English. With this blog, I want to improve that skill. So don’t hesitate to correct me if you find huge mistakes.